The gilding is a traditional and special process. After the bronze Buddha statues are made, they often need to be gilded. As the saying goes, the Buddha needs gold and the people need clothes. So how do the bronze Buddha statues gild? Let's take a look.
1. The golden Buddha statue is usually a large clay sculpture. To set off the gold, you need to first apply a yellow background on the surface of the Buddha statue, and then apply a layer of tung oil on the surface, which can be pasted after being slightly dried.
2. The temperature when drying is very important and should be appropriate. It is too dry to paste, and it is too sticky, deformed and uneven. This can be said to be a job done by experience.
3. After gently pasting it on the surface of the Buddha statue, use a brush to compact it bit by bit, so that it can be completely pressed on the partially dried tung oil. When the surface of the Buddha statue is completely pasted, it is basically completed.
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