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文章出处:中正雕塑   人气: 121    发表时间:2022-04-29 10:05:33


What is the backlight? "Backlight" is also known as "light back". Like the seat, the backlight is also an inseparable part of the bronze Buddha. The backlight is generally on the head and behind the Buddha and Bodhisattva. The bronze Buddha backlight is a symbol. Therefore, it is a part of the bronze Buddha itself.


There are many forms of backlight for bronze Buddha statues. From the appearance, it can be divided into: Circular backlight, wheel backlight, ship backlight, jewelry backlight, lotus petal backlight, bald head and body backlight, radial backlight, etc.


From the content and decoration, the backlight of copper Buddha statues can be divided into: Tang Cao Guang, flying light, cloud head light, thousand Buddha light, five Buddha light, seven Buddha light, flame light, five dragon and two phoenix light, seven dragon and two phoenix light, as well as comprehensive backlight such as cloud head, flame, Tang grass, flying sky, Buddha dragon and Phoenix.


There are two kinds of backlight, one is called head light, the other is called body light. The head light is also called the dome light. Its flame is emitted by the pekoe between the eyebrows, which is the embodiment of the "pekoe between the eyebrows" in the middle of the Buddha's "thirty-two phases". This flame gathers at the back of the head. Common types include flame, jewelry, round, etc.


Generally speaking, bronze Buddha statues have head light and body light, Bodhisattvas have no body light, only head light, Arhats and disciples have no backlight, while the Ming king, one of the Dharma guardians, is often decorated with flame light like anger in view of the need of decoration and its angry face.

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