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文章出处:中正雕塑   人气: 241    发表时间:2022-04-20 09:57:04


The three saints of the West are Buddha statues that people often support in their daily life. They are not only the representatives of the Western Paradise, but also the folk saying that every family has Guanyin and every household provides the Buddha. The three saints of the West sit on the lotus throne respectively, which just meets the needs of this sentence.


The three saints of the West are what we often see. Amitabha Buddha in the Buddha statue, that is, Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva and dashizhi Bodhisattva, are called the three saints of the West. Amitabha represents boundless light, boundless life and boundless merit. Guanyin Bodhisattva represents great compassion, salvation and the great compassion of the universe. The Bodhisattva represents benevolence and charity and is an example of giving up.


In the shape of the western three saints Buddha statues, the three are all on the lotus seat. The lotus symbolizes mud without contamination. It can be transformed into ten Dharma worlds in the one true Dharma Realm. Amitabha Buddha is in the middle, Guanyin Bodhisattva is on the left, and the general trend is that Bodhisattva is on the right. The statues or portraits of the three are the objects of respect for those practicing Pure Land Sect.


The three saints of the West are generally divided into three saints of the West carved in stone and three saints of the West carved in bronze. Generally, the three saints of the West carved in bronze can not only bless people's peace, but also have collection value and appreciation value. Moreover, with the growth of the years, the three saints of the West carved in bronze also have room for appreciation and certain archaeological value. Therefore, the worship of bronze statues at home can not only bless people's peace and carry people's wishes, but also have a certain collection value

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