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文章出处:中正雕塑   人气: 164    发表时间:2019-11-24 15:32:38


Generally, the bronze statues of Maitreya Buddha that we see in the temple are all sitting on the lotus seat, with the chest open and the stomach open. But at the foot of Lingshan mountain in Wuxi, there is a very large model of Baizi play Maitreya, which is like 3 meters high, 7.8 meters wide and 9 tons heavy. There are hundreds of children playing on this model of Baizi play Maitreya.



There are hundreds of children playing in this statue, some of them are overlapping, some are in tug of war, some are urinating on Maitreya, some are poking Maitreya's navel with twigs. The vivid portrayal of this smiling Maitreya Buddha makes people want to take photos.



Maitreya statues in Buddhism are always smiling, laughing at the funny people in the world; big belly can accommodate the difficult things in the world, and there are also such sayings about the little urchins with various shapes and different expressions on the Maitreya statues in Baizi opera. It is said that they are testing Maitreya's belly, whether it is true as the saying of the world: "big belly can accommodate the difficult things in the world; kind face often smiles, laughing at the funny people in the world." It turns out that only the open-minded are the people who really have happiness.



There is also the meaning of "many children and many blessings" in the worship of the Maitreya Buddha in Baizi opera. In ancient times, people regarded the succession of their families as the most important thing, and there were three ways of being unfilial. Therefore, in ancient times, every family of Maitreya Buddha GuanShiYin and Maitreya Buddha were popular with the public。


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